Latin American Musical Modernism
Mujeres de Metepec (Carlos Merida)
MHS 594
Latin American Musical Modernism
June 25-August 1, 2024 / Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9-11:30 a.m.
Room: NSL 404
This course examines understandings of musical modernity in Latin America since 1900. Primary sources and current scholarship illuminate compelling but underexplored repertories, whose appeal may spring from their paradoxical union of the classic and the contemporary, the foreign and the local, the colonized and the decolonized, and the tonal and departures from the tonal. Critically engaging with shifting conceptions of “modernism,” we examine celebrated figures such as Alberto Ginastera, Carlos Chávez, and Leo Brouwer, along with lesser-known composers such as Felipe Boero, Hilda Paredes, and Julián Carrillo. Student work includes responses to class readings and a final paper and presentation.
$5,910 / 3 credits
Click HERE to register
Read our blog: Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Latin American Musical Modernism