Thank you for submitting your Eastman Summer registration materials.
Here’s what will happen next:
- We will review your registration and contact you if we have questions, then forward your application to Eastman’s Office of the Registrar for processing.
- Pilar Boucher, Eastman Summer Program Manager, will email you to confirm receipt of your registration. Please add and to your email address book to ensure that messages from our office are sent to your Inbox and not to a spam folder–we want to be able to reach you! If you have not received a confirmation email within a few days of sending your registration, check your spam folder; if you don’t find the confirmation email, contact the Eastman Summer office.
- Once your registration has been processed, we will create your University of Rochester student account and issue you a UR Student ID number. You will need to complete the steps in UR Student to set up your student account (instructions will be provided).
- Billing notifications will be sent automatically via email from the UR Bursar’s Office when charges are assessed for the summer term (this usually happens in mid-May). Information about payment options can be found here. No payment is required until you receive a bill notification.
- Courses will be confirmed when required enrollment has been reached. We will notify students about course confirmation/cancellation as soon as a decision has been made (but no later than May 20, 2025); please do not purchase any non-refundable travel tickets until your course has been confirmed. Full refunds will be issued for any canceled courses.