Eastman Summer Horn Institute

Horn Institute class group portrait on stage in Kilbourn Hall

INS 406
Eastman Summer Horn Institute
June 29-July 4, 2025 / 9 AM-9 PM| Move out of Eastman School of Music Housing on July 5th, 2025

Faculty: W. Peter Kurau, Eastman School of Music

Guest Faculty: Nikolette LaBonte, Principal Horn, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Elizabeth Freimuth, Professor of Horn Rice University and Principal Horn Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestras; Mark Houghton, Professor of Horn Duquesne University and Third Horn Pittsburgh Symphony

Program Information

Hone your audition chops with a deep dive into horn orchestral excerpts, supplemented, informed, and liberated by the assimilation and incorporation of FUNdamental playing principles. The Institute will include preparation of standard orchestral, military band, and collegiate audition repertoire (both solo and sectional repertoire) from selected passages from Horn 1, 2, 3, 4, and assistant parts, and will address score study, sonic modeling, practice strategies, and performance psychology. Each participant will receive 4 private lessons with the faculty, daily group master classes and mock auditions, guided warm-ups, and 3 sessions addressing fundamental, transferrable “nuts-and-bolts” playing principles. The Institute will include a solo performance in Kilbourn Hall and will culminate with a “final round mock audition” of a solo (with piano accompaniment) and a rendition of selected excerpts of the participant’s choice in Howard Hansen Hall. The Sibley Music Library will serve as an iconic resource to access contemporary and historical recordings of the works studied, as well as a vast repository of scores and complete parts.

How to Apply: 

Audition requirements:

This institute is designed for advanced high-school, collegiate, and postgraduate players age 15+. No audition is required; admission is by résumé review only. To apply, contact both Professors Nikolette LaBonte at: nlabontehorn@gmail.com and Peter Kurau at: wpkurau@esm.rochester.edu; include your music résumé with your message (use this template if you need help putting a résumé together). Registration deadline: May 15, 2025.  Enrollment/registration is capped once capacity has been reached.

Opens on Sunday, June 29th at 6:00 pm with an Orientation meeting in OSL 101.

Faculty Concert: Wednesday, July 2nd at 7:30 pm in Kilbourn Hall

Participant Solo Recital: Thursday, July 3rd at 7:30 pm in Kilbourn Hall

Participant Mock Auditions: Friday, July 4th at 3:30 pm Howard Hansen Hall.

Professional Development Hours: 50


$1,000/ noncredit only (without housing and dining)

$1,528.50/ tuition with housing and dining

“The program has exceeded my expectations and made me even more excited to pursue horn. The instructors were insightful and good at communicating a wide range of principles.” — 2023 Horn Institute participant

Read our blog: Eastman Summer Spotlight: Eastman Summer Horn Institute