Alexander Technique + Mobile Body Alignment™ for Musicians and Music Educators – ONLINE

This workshop is now closed. We are no longer accepting applications.

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Alexander Technique + Mobile Body Alignment™ for Musicians and Music Educators – ONLINE
June 24-August 2, 2024 / Weekly synchronous sessions to be scheduled with students
Online course

Katie Fittipaldi, Alexander Technique of Rochester

We are offering Alexander Technique classes in two formats this summer: an in-person weekend intensive and a six-week online workshop. This listing describes the online workshop. For information about the in-person intensive, click here.

The Alexander Technique and Mobile Body Alignment™ are both methods of self-awareness that enliven deep, ongoing postural support with fluidity and ease! The complete system of Mobile Body Alignment™ points activates each sequential segment of the central nervous system starting from head to toe, assuring a whole-body activation and awareness. Enrollment limited to 6 students.

This six-session online workshop explores:

  • The core principles of the Alexander Technique and Mobile Body Alignment™
  • How to pay attention with more ease and self-kindness and less judgement.
  • The Mobile Body Alignment™ points and how to use them while playing and teaching to enliven awareness, ease, confidence and further possibility and discovery.

The workshop includes:

  • 7.5 hours of class time (75-minute group sessions)
  • Activities between group sessions to facilitate learning.
  • 1 Individual lesson (30-minute Individual lesson)
  • 3 BONUS 30-minute Zoom sessions with Katie where she demonstrates Mobile Body Alignment™ with Eastman School of Music students and members of her private studio.

Professional Development Hours: 10
$445 / noncredit

“The Alexander course exceeded my expectations. Katie Fittipaldi was a highly knowledgeable instructor. She imparted a lot of important and technical information without being too tedious. The results of applying her instruction to my playing were tangible and remarkable! I can’t recommend this instructor highly enough and intend to continue my work on Alexander Technique as a result of her teaching! – 2023 online participant

Read our blog: Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Alexander Technique 2023